Our São Judas Tadeu Daycare Center in Pindamonhangaba (State of São Paulo) is attended by children aged 6 to 16. The Brothers Laercio, José Carlos, Bruno, and Diego currently live here.
The day care center was founded more than 70 years ago for poor and neglected boys. Today, boys and girls who come from socially disadvantaged families and live on the town’s outskirts or in its vicinity are looked after there during the school-free hours. The facilities are simple, according to the Franciscan way, but what counts is the closeness between the Brothers and the children. They are simply present and approachable for large and small problems, just like in a large family. In addition to regular meals and help with homework, there is a swimming pool and a large sports field. Through leisure activities such as dancing, singing or swimming, the children are not only active in sports, but also learn to interact with one another.
In addition to the tasks in the daycare center, the Brothers also have pastoral and social tasks in the parish. Brother Bruno, for example, a priest, regularly celebrates mass in the parish. The parish congregation is very active, especially at church services on weekends or holidays, and there are many conversations and encounters with families.
To help poor families, Brother Laercio is very committed to fundraising for the Brazilian projects of our Congregation.